I`m assuming that you know how to install a program so I won`t discuss that here. I have a Reason 5 installed on my PC, but don`t worry if you have a different version, the concepts are pretty much the same. When you start the program for the first time you will be asked what kind of audio driver would you like to use and what is your master keyboard type (if you use one).
Most probably, the defaultly selected audio driver will be DX Primary Sound Driver. You are OK using that, however I would recommend an ASIO one because it has lesser latency. If by some strange reason it is not in the list, you can download it for free. It may cause a common problem - it may stop your external audio (for ex. youtube clips) while you are using the program, or vise versa - it may stop the program`s sound while you are playing something external. I heard from some people that certain kinds of sound cards don`t have that problem, so the results may be different depending on your hardware setup. If you are using the PC`s built in sound card you are most probably going to experience that inconvenience... But again, I often use the default DX driver when I`m not using my keyboard.
The most common choice for sample rate is 44,100 (CD quality, you are perfectly OK with that).
If the program doesn`t detect your keyboard, you may select it manually from the list, or chose "OTHER". If you don`t have one, just chose "NOT SELECTED". You can always change any of those settings from the preferences menu of the program later.
Now, when the program finally starts, open the preferences and select Empty Rack in the Default song menu. That way you will have clean rack every time you open the program, without any of the demo songs loaded. You can set it up to open some custom template, things for example, that you commonly use in all of your projects. This can speed things up, removing the need to constantly repeat yourself making the same instruments and effects every time you create a new song. Another thing that you would wish to change is to remove the tick from Load Default Sound in New Devices. That will make all devices (instrument, effects) to be created in initialized mode every time you create one. Otherwise, you will have to always click on them and select manually "initialize patch" to remove the default setting, which I personally never use, so that things saves more time. Mouse knob range determines how precise can you select values while rotating any device`s knobs so you can change that depending on your taste. It is important to leave the tick on "Show Automation Indication" to see which knobs or sliders are automated (more about that later).
Some people might want to change the master tune un the audio box to something different than the standard 440 Hz. There is a popular belief in the conspiracy circles that it is supposed to be 432 Hz (I personally can`t spot any significant difference, so I leave it as it is).
I think that should be all for the start up settings. You may explore further all the preferences and change anything else you like.
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